When a doctor pronounces that a case is hopeless, the Jewish family is in a quandary. […]
A video of the presentation is shown.
University of Notre Dame PresentationOctober 26, 2022By Rabbi Shmuel Lefkowitz, President Chayim Aruchim a project of […]
A group of people sitting at a table with drinks.
Bill signed into law, Patients entitled to be offered treatment according to Halacha Governor Andrew Cuomo […]
Three men sitting at a table with a tablet.
Chayim Aruchim Board members drafting legislation with Assemblyman Richard Gottfried, Chairman of the Health Committee. Left […]
A man in suit and tie speaking at a podium.
Alta Fixsler’s Murder in the UK Sparks Chayim Aruchim Convention Session on End of Life Care […]